Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Bottom Line

I've been working on my top priority project for the past 3 months and most of that time was spent developing the idea and trying to get all necessary documents done, managing resources and getting approval from authorities. Somehow, I feel that I am really under pressure and to some extent I think to give up. I guess there are two most important things to remember before you start something big or important or something that needs full attention,

It’s better to talk about your idea, plan or project to closest friends and colleagues rather than hide it from everyone. You get so much more value from people's feedback than you get risk from people stealing your idea. Bottom line is about sharing meaning that we need someone in our life to be our sharing partner!

It may take a lot longer than you think it will. Before I landed in this crowded city, I thought I could finish my project in August 2007. When I met with my professor, he said that dead line would be in late October 2007 so even I can finish it earlier it would not make any differences. At last, I was shocked and need to readjust my schedule, resources and of course Money!. Certainly, it is not a good situation for me but at whatsoever I have to achieve my goal. Bottom line is we have to spare some times just in case if thing does not go as we expect.

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